Monday, November 22, 2010

the first step

yesterday's mileage: 5.3
on the iPod: "ants marching" (live at red rocks) -- the dave matthews band

Human behavior, while bizarre in nature, is also relatively predictable. That is to say that we tend to find things we like to do and stick with them. There are people that like to cook, and subsequently eat, obscure foods; there are some people that enjoy collecting various themed items, like Disney figurines; and there are some that live and breathe by their favorite professional sports team's win/loss record in any given season. Think Cheeseheads. For me, I run.

But it's become more than just running. The act has taken a on a greater meaning, one that includes a culture and community of people and friends that are interested in the same bizarre human behavior that I am. Running. The apex are the races. They're like a party for us. And sometimes they do indeed resemble more of a party than any sort of athletically-focused event. Sometimes there's beer. And bands. And raucous debauchery at the finish line. People dress up in wild and obnoxious costumes. There's almost always free stuff, affectionately known as swag. The swag varies from race to race, but usually includes new food products, gloves, hats, keychains, et cetera. But I digress...

What is always a part of races, whether there is beer or bands, is the first step. To participate, one must register. That's the first step. Cutting a check and signing on the dotted line. This morning I took the first step and it felt like I won the lottery. I registered for the inaugural running of the Fayetteville Half Marathon on December 12, 2010.

Having only run sparingly since the marathon, i'm woefully unprepared for this race. But that's totally cool. The runs i've have had, however, have been great. The weekend after the marathon, I ran the Chile Pepper 10K. It's an awesome running festival that has a full Mexican food buffet after the race. Ate four tacos, guacamole, and chips and salsa. At about 9:15 in the morning. Love it. Also logged a new PR of 57:39.

I also ran the Veteran's Day Memorial 10K on the national mall in Washington DC. Running in the shadows of the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial was inspired. I came away from that event with another PR, this time 55:29, as well as, according to my sister and mother, the ugliest race shirt ever. I love their honesty. And they're right. The shirt is ugly.

With only two weekends to get ready for the Fayetteville Half, it's time to get my ass in gear and start logging some distances longer than 6.2 miles. And that doesn't take into account the THREE hills that are along the course. Mile two goes straight up fraternity row past the stadium. Then mid-way through the race, the course goes up Maple Street not once, but twice. They're gonna kill me, and I can't wait!

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