Sunday, January 9, 2011

training for nothing (kinda) (as of now)

mid-week distances: 3,5, and 3 miles
weekend long run: 8 miles
on the iPod: "beautiful disaster" -- john mclaughlin

So if we're gonna run the Oklahoma City Marathon then now is the time to begin training. Week One. I haven't registered yet, but I can feel a craving to do it. And I really like the feeling.

Most marathon training plans are free and accessable online, including the one Mrs. Pugh printed and handed to me last week in between classes. She was really nonchalant about it, basically just saying something along the lines of "here's the deal, get started". So I did. With three consecutive treadmill runs this week.

Please understand that I loathe running indoors. And running indoors on a treadmill is even worse. But for some bizarre reason I'm hellbent on sticking to this training plan as long as I can without knee pain. As the days are crazy short right now and the skies are dark when I'm done teaching for the day, the treadmill is my only option. Before this week, I'll bet I hadn't been on one in at least three years. But somehow I settled in and found a somewhat plastic-feeling rhythm to knock out my mileage. The runs weren't as bad as I was dreading, but I did find myself pining to be on the trail system. Or in my neighborhood. Or along a course. Anywhere but on a treadmill.

Yesterday's long run was a welcomed change of scenery and overall running bliss. Despite a third weekend of below freezing temperatures, Mrs. Murie and I set out on the Mud Creek trail to log some good mileage. We planned to leave out from the parking lot of a new, local bike shop, and I deliberately got there early to go in and check it out. I'm short on winter running gear and wanted to see their options for gloves and pants.

When I walked in and immediately realized they were playing Live At Folsom Field, a Dave Matthews Band show from the University of Colorado, I knew I was gonna dig this place. There were only a few guys working in the store and they were playing it really loud. I smiled. They turned it down. I'll be back in there anyway.

We had a great four miles out, catching up and talking about races for 2011. Mrs. Murie is already registered for Grandma's Marathon in Minnesota. It's a pretty big deal and this year is the 35th anniversary. She wants to come run the half in Oklahoma City if we do indeed decide to run it (it's gonna happen). I'd love to have her there and hope it works out. We've also got the Little Rock Half on the docket in March and the Bentonville Half in April. Jumping the gun, there's already been discussion about what to do in the fall. Tons of possibilities there: Elvis, Broadway, Cowboys, casinos, or a triumphant return to old stomping grounds. Who knows where we'll be laced up or what we'll run past. I can't wait.

The four miles back were hard as hell. Not exactly for sure what was going on, but I couldn't get in a groove for the latter half of the run. I'm not necessarily worried about it, however, as runs aren't always comfortable or perfect. It's early in the year and I'll have more bumps in the road. The key is to jump over them and keep running. That's my plan.

1 comment:

  1. I think that bike shop is co-owned by some Bentonville Grads.
