Sunday, May 8, 2011

second chances

this weekend's distance: two separate 5K's
on the iPod: "broken hearted savior" -- big head todd and the monsters

It's funny how it seems that life's circumstances can turn on a dime. Instantly. I went from the absolute worst running weekend of my life to a pretty damn good showing. I needed it.

Friday night was the second running of the Bentonville Public Schools Foundation Gold Rush 5K. As it directly benefits my students and school, there was no skipping out on this one. It's a first-class event all the way around and I wouldn't want to miss it even if there wasn't charity involved. The race coincides each year with the First Friday event on the downtown square, meaning that the runners finish in a festival of local people out to enjoy a cool Spring evening. The atmosphere was sweet and palpable.

What made it even better was getting to run not only with Mrs. Pugh, but some other amazing colleagues as well. BHS has the best teaching faculty on the planet. Hands down. It was great to roll out for some mileage with Mr. Halter, Mrs. Sooter, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Fields, Mrs. Champagne (I can't wait for the math department party, i've heard it's a throwdown and this is my first year to be invited), Mrs. Busbea, Mr. Miller (my AP Psych bud, he's the bomb), Mr. Wilson (his biceps are HUGE, I want to have biceps like that), Officer Moss, and Mr. Blair. There were students along the course and a few even laced up for the run. I'm so proud of them all and am the luckiest guy to get to go to work every day. True story.

The racing wasn't over for the weekend, however, as I got up Saturday morning for the second 5K in 12 hours, give or take a few. Again, there was a great educational charity attached as the Fayetteville running community showed up for the Root Rocket Run. Fayetteville has great local neighborhood schools and Root Elementary is no exception. I'd never run the Rocket before and was looking forward to it for a while, as the route goes right through Don and Cynthia Puckett's neighborhood. Not to disappoint, the whole damn Puckett clan was right there at the 1.5 mile marker to cheer and yell and enjoy the morning. Baby Charles, who is fast becoming the coolest nephew imaginable, had so much fun. It makes me happy to see him waiting in anticipation, ultimately jumping and smiling and waving when he sees me coming. I finished the Root Rocket about three minutes slower than the Gold Rush, but my legs felt great when I crossed the finish line.

The weekend also brought my first visit of the season to the Fayetteville Farmer's Market. On the downtown square every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning, the farmer's market is another one of those funky little hangouts that makes Fayetteville the perfect college town in these Ozark Mountains. With the Dalai Lama in town this week for some lectures at the University, the square was draped with Buddhist prayer flags. Often found high in the Himalaya Mountains of Tibet, these gorgeous representations of peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom spoke volumes to the spirit of local Fayetteville people. It made me so happy to see the town embrace the massive impact of the Dalai Lama's visit. It's going to be special. Clearly.

Oklahoma City is quickly fading in my consciousness as I focus forward on summer mileage and slowing down to enjoy the abundant sun that Arkansas skies always seem to produce. I absolutely love the summer months. I've got one more race, a 10K, on the docket and am looking for some more runs to add to my calendar. It won't be too long before it's time to begin training again for the Chicago Marathon in October. The truth is that I can't wait. Training is my favorite part of the entire running experience. The ups and downs make me a strong runner and even stronger person.

Life is about learning from adverse experiences and moving forward, because It's human nature to not get it right the first time. I rarely do. This weekend was about second chances and I couldn't be happier with how it evolved. Sometimes we all need second chances. So i'll take the memory of OKC and file it away, but never forget that when things don't go right there's always going to be another mile. Another day. I won't look back in anger, I won't assign blame. I'll simply hope for the best and look forward to it finding me.


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