Monday, July 15, 2013

the connection

weekend distance:  11 miles
on the iPod: "the other side" -- jason derulo

Summer marches forward and I continue finding myself most enjoying the moments laced up running, even visiting old trails that I haven't been on in years.  This last weekend's long run in Benton County was a loop that included the downtown Bentonville square, Crystal Bridges, and Lake Bella Vista.  Wow, what a gorgeous morning it was to settle in on an easy pace and let my legs do all the work.  And considering the incline on the Crystal Bridges trail, work might be an understatement.  I've decided that it might be the most difficult, and enjoyable, incline of all of Northwest Arkansas.

I hadn't been running for more than a few minutes when I noticed a sizable group of runners just starting from a parking lot about 100 yards ahead of me. I lamented the fact that they were too far ahead for me to catch, but thought that after a mile or so I might mix it up with the stragglers a little bit.  That reality vanished within another few minutes when I realized, because of their pace, that there would be no catching up to them.  I soon forgot about the crew as I was distracted by running a particular section of trail with which I'd never been on.  I knew, however, that I was heading north and was almost certain that it was taking me to Lake Bella Vista, where years ago I did a training run with Sarah Pugh for the very first distance race I ever ran -- the 2010 Little Rock Half Marathon.  It was early February and below freezing outside, but we were determined to train.  Being out of shape and not knowing what I was doing, the cold air made it incredibly difficult to breath.  Those were the days that I still had second thoughts about running and often considered throwing in the towel all together.  But the connection I made with my running friend eventually sealed the deal, and even though we no longer run together we'll forever have that bond.  It means the world to me.  

Rounding the backside of the lake, I saw the same pack of runners from earlier coming toward me, realizing quickly that they must have had gone the opposite direction I had, and realizing even quicker that these runners were going really fast.  Like competitor fast.  They also had two bikers with them.  When I recognized the bikers as two fellow teachers at Bentonville High School, Randy Ramaker and Jaclyn Evans, everything made complete and total sense -- those runners were the BHS cross country team.  As they passed a few of them smiled, as if to say "Oh, I recognize you as a teacher and you're out here running like me," which of course endeared me to them immediately.  I have nothing to do with the wildly successful track program at BHS, but I support them 100% and make it to a few of their events every year.  And I love having them in class, where I can share my passion for running and get to know them as students.  Almost all student athletes don't fit the mold of the "dumb jock".  Contrarily, student athletes are often very dedicated and hard-working in the classroom as well as on the field.  The connection made between student and teacher is unique and something that I didn't realize would be beneficial when I began teaching, but over the years i've grown immensely from what i've learned.  I hope my students know how special they are to me and that in my classroom all are welcome.  No caveats, no exceptions.  

The overall run was really great -- so much so that I'm already mapping higher mileage routes that will include Lake Bella Vista.  It was also relatively challenging and my sore quads told the story.  After a much needed session on my foam roller, the weekend continued with a trip to the drive-in movie, a 40th birthday party, and an eight-boat flotilla on Beaver Lake.


All three events were great for relaxing and the common thread were the amazing people in my life, helping to remind me how blessed I am.  My coworkers, friends, and family live life to the fullest and love me with all of their heart.  I sometimes fall short of showing them how much they mean to me, but I think of them when I run and they're always with me when I cross a finish line.  We're connected like that.  Who are your connections?  



  1. Love reading your blog. It is very inspiring! I "retired" from teaching after 25 years before moving to NNWA 2 years ago. I started running in April having never run before. I finished Couch to 5k and have started 5 to 10k. I will be running my first 5k race next month. -Ceci

    1. Ceci, thank you for your kind words and congrats on your 5K/10K training! Enjoy your first race and let me know how it goes. Run.
